Wraparound Care & Clubs
Breakfast Kids Club 7.30am – 8.40am / £4
After School Kids Club 3.05 – 5pm / £5.50
OFSTED Number: 115 965
Our Breakfast Club at Padnell Infant School starts at 7.30am and provides a facility where your child can play as well as have breakfast before they are taken to their class for the start of the school day. The latest you can drop off is 8.15am (car park is available).
A choice of cereal, toast and a drink are on offer and is inclusive of the cost of £4
After school, the children are taken to the Kids Club room (in our Community Room, the green building opposite the office, next to the car park), where they can choose to take part in organised activities or just chat and play with their friends. Every child is offered a healthy snack. Children are to be collected by 5pm at the latest, but can be collected at any time prior to this. The car park is available after 4.15pm.
Please be aware that on the last afternoon of each term, the after school session of Kids Club is closed (Friday 20th December, Friday 4th April and Tuesday 22nd July).
Please see below for our Terms and Conditions.
HMRC Tax Free Childcare Vouchers
We accept Tax Free Childcare Vouchers to pay for our before and after school club facility. If you wish to use these vouchers, please email us (admin@padnellinf.hants.sch.uk), with the Account Code EG ABCD…..TFC
The initial period to set this up may take some time as we need to let Hampshire County Council know the money needs to be allocated to Padnell Infants. Once set up, please email us and let us know each time you make a payment (stating the date paid and the amount). We will then be able to credit your child’s account, after which you can log in to Scopay and book the sessions you required.
Parent Guide for booking Sessions on Scopay
If you need after school care later than 5pm, our children are welcomed at Padnell Junior's Planet Padnell.
Cowplain Day Nursery and Ann's Wombles Nursery are also in close proximity.
After School Clubs
The following after school clubs are run independently. Please contact the organisers directly to book your child a place.
Monday: Football with Skilful Sports (3.05pm – 4.10pm)
Email: skilfulsports@gmail.com, Tel: 07824 098 432
Years 1 & 2
Monday Football Leaflet - Spring 1 2025
Tuesday: Southern Karate (3.15 - 4.15pm)
Email: ska.stacimanns@gmail.com, Tel: 07837 072844
Karate Leaflet - Autumn 1 2024
Wednesday: AAA Gymnastics (3.05pm - 4.05pm)
Email: ben@aaacoaching.co.uk Tel: 077 8866 1316
Years 1 & 2
Gymnastics Leaflet - Spring 1 2025
Thursday: Football with Skilful Sports (3.05pm - 4.10pm)
Email: skilfulsports@gmail.com, Tel: 07824 098 432
Years 1 & 2
Thursday Football Leaflet - Spring 1 2025