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Meet the Staff


Mrs Grayson - Headteacher
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Young - Deputy Headteacher
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Mrs Porter - SENCo/Inclusion Lead
Deputy Desingated Safeguarding Lead

Ms Foster - Parent Partner
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
Year R Teachers Year 1 Teachers Year 2 Teachers
Mrs Inche
(Team Leader)
Miss Marks
(Team Leader)
Mrs Steadman-Tippett
(Team Leader)
Mrs Howell/Mrs Glanville Mr Hall Mrs Hooley
Mrs Pendry Mrs Humphreys Mrs Kernot/Mrs Barnett
Emotional Literacy Support
Assistant (ELSA)
Interventions Forest School Lead
Mrs Dunaway Mrs Albusaidi Mrs McVittie
Cover Supervisor Cover Supervisor Cover Supervisor
Mrs Gatland Mrs Lloyd Miss Harbour
Support Staff Support Staff Support Staff
Mrs Brummell Mrs Gatland Mrs Dunaway
Mrs Ford Mrs Hall Mrs Green
Mrs Griffiths Mrs Lelliott Miss Harbour
Mrs Kates Mrs Jackson Mrs Lloyd
Mrs McVittie Mrs Papageorgiou Mrs Richards
Mrs Riley Mrs Searle Mrs Wilson
Finance Officer Office Manager & 
Data Protection Officer
Admin Assistant
Miss Rowe Mrs Thundercliffe Mrs Ayres
Midday  Supervisory Assistants
Mrs Albusaidi   Mrs Pagageorgiou
Mrs Cushion Mrs Green Miss Hawkins
Mrs Hubbard Mrs Hynd Mrs Kay
Mrs McVittie Mrs Searle Mrs Hall
Mrs Lelliott Mrs Ford Mrs Riley
Mrs Dunaway Miss Hawkins  
Site Manager Cleaner Cleaner
Mr Grayson Mrs Green Mrs Hynd
Kids Club (morning) Kids Club (afternoon)
Mrs Kates Miss Harbour
Mrs Papageorgiou Mrs Hubbard
  Mrs Sandford