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2022 & 2023

As a school team we work very hard to achieve the best educational outcomes for our children.  We are proud of the progress all of our children make, as a result of a creative curriculum and personalised learning to meet their individual needs.

The information below shows the percentage of children achieving ‘Age Related Expectations’ or ‘Greater Depth’ in each of the three core areas. 

Reading Age Related
Expectations or above
Greater Depth
School 2023 69% 27%
National 2023 68% 19%
Difference + 1% +8%
School 2022 64% 26%
National 2022 67% 18%
Difference -3% +8%


Writing Age Related
Expectations or above
Greater Depth
School 2023 66% 13%
National 2023 60% 8%
Difference +6% +5%
School 2022 66% 7%
National 2022 56% 8%
Difference +10% -1%


Maths Age Related
Expectations or above
Greater Depth
School 2023 76% 28%
National 2023 71% 16%
Difference +5% +16%
School 2022 72% 17%
National 2022 68% 15%
Difference  +4% +2%

*Please note the differences might not add up due to rounding up or down of percentages. 

Phonic Test Results

75.5% 81.8% 79% 89%


Early Years

2018 2019 2022 2023
School 73% 73% 70% 75%
National 71.5% 71.8% 65% 67%

This shows the percentage of children achieving a 'Good Level of Development' (GLD) which is a culmination of several of the early year's assessment areas.

Department of Education's Performance Measures website