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Parent Hub


Parent Hub with our Parent Partner

Wednesday, Thursday & Friday
8.40am – 10am
Help & Advice on sleep, eating, behaviour, support, relationships
Pre-loved Uniform, Coat Swap

Food bank info, community events
Coffee and Chat
Stay and Play for little ones every Wednesday

At Padnell we believe in helping the whole family to ‘GROW’. Our Parent Hub is open every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday morning from 8.40am- 10.00am. It is there to offer you support in many aspects of family life such as behaviour, routines, eating and sleeping or bereavement. 

The Hub is an opportunity to talk and share more with you about local, plus wider reaching support that you may not be aware is there for us all. Throughout the year there will be opportunities to come and hear from other professionals about specific topics such as, anxiety and transitions. Look out on the Padnell Post and Parent Hub board for these dates. 

There are hot drinks available and a laptop free for all to use, with or without support.  

For younger siblings there are toys , so they can come and have play in a relaxed environment whilst you talk or just have a comforting hot drink. 

Pre-loved uniform and the FREE Coat Swap are also based here now so why not pop in and have a look at everything there is to offer in this multi-purpose community space. 

Padnell are also very fortunate to be part of The Mental Health Support Teams (MHST) Programme. This means we are able to access a variety of Mental Health support for our young children and their families. This support aims to bridge some of the gap between Early Help and CAMHS for those children who may not reach criteria for this support. 

I very much looking forward to seeing and speaking with you. 

Jo Foster 
Padnell Parent Partner